Cosentino creates some of the leading global market brands of quartz surfaces for kitchens and bathroom. Silestone by Cosentino® was established in 1990 and manufactures the best of natural stone, and even leads to its enhancement.

Thanks to its properties and characteristics, Silestone® by Cosentino is a unique brand; installing a Silestone product in any room will give it that one of a kind feeling. Its exclusive nature has enabled it to become a brand linked to the world of fashion and design, associated with the highest levels of innovation and modernity.

Silestone® is manufactured using a compound made up of 90% natural quartz, making it extremely tough and resilient. It is an excellent surface for kitchen benchtops, bathrooms, floors and wall cladding using the minimum number of joints.

The Silestone® brand is now present in over 50 countries due to its tangible values; certified by professionals from the world of decoration, design and architecture. It holds the leading position in its market sector, setting new standards in research and innovation for both public and private building projects in the 21st century.

Silstone® is available in over 90 colours with a unique pattern on each slab; and with three different textures to combine, the possibilities are endless. The “colour assistant” on the Silstone® website will assist you in finding the perfect stone surface for your renovations.

Step 1: Choose a hue

In search of finding the perfect stone surface for your home, the first step is to pick a colour that will fit the theme of the room. There are four colour collections Silstone® has to offer; Light Grey & White, Cream & Beige, Dark Grey & Black, and Brown.

Step 2: Style

Each stone surface manufactured by Silstone® is unique with no two slabs with the same patterned surface. Similar to choosing the stone colour, you can also choose the surface pattern design you desire; Plain, Veined (marble), Fine Grain or Coarse Grain.

Step 3: Finishes

This step is quite unique to the Silstone® brand; choosing the finish of the stone surface is not always an option the manufacturer will offer. To finish your stone surface, there are three options Silstone® offers; Polished Texture, Suede Texture or Volcano Texture.

To visualise the possibilities click the link below. 

Silestone Colour Assistant – external site